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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition for compensation for the time and expenses in coming to Augusta to present the Petition of the settlers of Monticello1836
2Report on the Order relative to prohibiting the sale of, except to actual Settlers1839
3Report on the Petition on a Resolve for the relief of the settlers upon the Aroostook1840
4Report on an Order relative to, practiced on the State or upon the settlers in obtaining a deed on T 6 R 3 WELS1840
5Aroostook County Petition SignersReport on the petition of S.P. Hews and others that the Land Agent may be authorized to deed certain lands to settlers1862
6Aroostook SettlersSee Dunn, Jonah 1829 RS 25-9
7BangorResolve in relation to original settlers lot number 93 in Bangor1854
8Bowdoin College LandPetition of Inhabitants of Guilford regarding reduction of taxes and equal and fair treatment for settlers not on1821
9BucksportResolve to quiet certain settlers and to obtain a title to certain lands sold and claimed by the State1846
10Calkins, Charles and othersResolve in favor of certain settlers in Orient in the County of Aroostook1852
11ClaimsResolve authorizing the Land Agent to release the claim of the State to certain lands conveyed to settlers by conditional deed1846
12Drury, J. and othersResolve authorizing the Land Agent to release the claim of the State to certain lands conveyed to settlers by conditional deed1846
13EllsworthResolve explanatory of and additional to a Resolve entitled ""Resolve to quiet certain settlers and obtain title to certain lands sold and claimed by the State"
14EllsworthResolve to quiet certain settlers and to obtain a title to certain lands sold and claimed by the State1846
15French SettlersResolve in relation to settlers on certain townships on the River Saint John1863
16Gilman, Allen (late)Resolve in relation to original settlers lot number 93 in Bangor1854
17Grand Isle Petition SignersA bill that the State grant aid in building a road from St. John River road to the rear of the settlers lots in Township 18, Range 31864
18Grand Isle PlantationResolve authorizing the Land Agent to examine into the situation of the land occupied by settlers on Township 18 Range 031864
19Greenbush Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Stephen B. Parker and others that they may have the same privileges and exemptions which settlers now have when purchasing lands from the State1844
20Hathaway, Justus and othersReport on the Petition of Justus Hathaway and others that further time may be allowed settlers to pay for land purchased of the State1843
21HerseyReport on the Petition of Thomas Myrick, Jr., and others that the State may obtain the title of T05R05 WELS and that the same may be conveyed to settlers1841
22Hews, S. P. and othersReport on the petition of S.P. Hews and others that the Land Agent may be authorized to deed certain lands to settlers1862
23Indian LandsResolve authorizing the sale to actual settlers of certain1832
24Land AgentResolve authorizing the Land Agent to release the claim of the State to certain lands conveyed to settlers by conditional deed1846
25Land AgentResolve in relation to Township 14 Range 04 in Aroostook County for deeds to the settlers by the Land Agent1861

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