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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 26 to 50 of 516

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26BerwickReport on a Resolve to reduce the State Valuation of Berwick1861
27Berwick ValuationReport on the Order relative to reduction of state valuation of certain towns1843
28Berwick ValuationResolve fixing the valuation of certain towns in this State1846
29Bethel State ValuationResolve in relation to the State Valuation of the Towns of Bethel and Hanover1843
30BiddefordReport on a Resolve in favor of the City of Biddeford for a reduction of their valuation1861
31Biddeford ValuationResolve fixing the valuation of certain towns in this State1846
32Boothbay ValuationResolve equalizing the State Valuation of Boothbay and Townsend1843
33Bowdoinham ValuationResolve to correct a clerical error in the State Valuation of the Town of Bowdoinham in the County of Lincoln; also to amend the aggregate valuation of said County1852
34Bowerbank ValuationReport on the Petition of the Town of Foxcroft and Atkinson for reduction of State Valuation1852
35Bowerbank ValuationReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of the Town of Bowerbank for a reduction in the valuation of said Town1854
36Bradley SelectmenReport on the Petition of Gideon Young and others for reduction or correction of their State Valuation1843
37Brewer ValuationReport on the Petition of Edward H. Burr and others for a reduction of the State Valuation of Brewer1842
38Bridgton ValuationAn Act authorizing the assessment of a certain tax upon the Town of Bridgton1848
39Bristol ValuationReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Bristol for a reduction of State Valuation1847
40Bristol ValuationAn Act to adjust and correct the valuation and State tax of the Towns of Nobleboro, Bristol and Damariscotta1848
41BrooklinAn Act to adjust and correct the valuation and State tax of the Towns of North Yarmouth, Sedgwick and Brooklin1850
42BrooksvilleReport on a bill for the reduction of valuation for the Town of Brooksville1861
43Bucksport ValuationReport on a Resolve in favor of the Town of Bucksport relative to valuation1846
44Bucksport ValuationResolve correcting a clerical error in the valuation of the Towns of Bucksport and Seaville and for correcting the State and County Tax in said Towns1847
45Bucksport ValuationResolve regulating the valuation of Bucksport1850
46BurnhamResolve to correct a clerical error in the number of polls and valuation of the Town of Burnham and for correcting the State and County Tax in said Town1842
47Burr, Edward H. and othersReport on the Petition of Edward H. Burr and others for a reduction of the State Valuation of Brewer1842
48Cambridge ValuationReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Cambridge; the Selectmen of Harmony and Jesse Stone and others, Inhabitants of Ripley for reduction or correction of valuation1843
49Canaan ValuationResolve in favor of the Towns of Hartland and Canaan1849
50Cape Elizabeth ValuationResolve fixing the valuation of certain towns in this State1846

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