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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 126 to 150 of 516

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126Hog Island ValuationReport on the Petition of Timothy Lane and Elisha Smith that a reduction of the valuation of Hog Island in Hancock County, may be made1853
127Holbrook Island ValuationResolve to amend the State Valuation for the County of Hancock1852
128Hope ValuationResolve transferring the State Valuation of that part of the Town of Hope set off to the Town of Appleton1843
129House of RepresentativesResolve providing for the expenses of Members and Officers of the House of Representatives and Clerk of the Valuation Committee, incurred by sickness1850
130IndustryResolve correcting the Valuation of the Towns of Industry and New Vineyard1844
131Kennebec CountyReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Eddington, Penobscot County and Windsor, Kennebec County, asking for a reduction of their State Valuation1852
132Kennebec ValuationResolve relating to the valuation of the Town of Kennebec1850
133Kennebunk ValuationResolve fixing the valuation of certain towns in this State1846
134Kennebunkport ValuationResolve fixing the valuation of certain towns in this State1846
135KingsburyReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Kingsbury for a reduction of their State Valuation and also for abatement of State Tax1846
136Kittery ValuationReport on the Order relative to reduction of state valuation of certain towns1843
137Kittery ValuationResolve fixing the valuation of certain towns in this State1846
138Lagrange ValuationReport on the Petition of the Selectmen and Assessors of various towns for an alteration of the valuation for their respective towns1842
139Lane, TimothyReport on the Petition of Timothy Lane and Elisha Smith that a reduction of the valuation of Hog Island in Hancock County, may be made1853
140Lee, William S.Resolve providing for the expenses of Members and Officers of the House of Representatives and Clerk of the Valuation Committee, incurred by sickness1850
141Limington ValuationReport on the Order of Committee in relation to the valuation of Edinburg and Limington1842
142Lincoln CountyResolve to correct a clerical error in the State Valuation of the Town of Bowdoinham in the County of Lincoln; also to amend the aggregate valuation of said County1852
143Lincoln County ValuationReport on a Resolve for the correction of the State Valuation in the Towns of Bath, Phippsburg, Georgetown and Thomaston in the County of Lincoln1845
144Lincoln PlantationResolve taxing, in the County of Oxford and establishing the valuation thereof (T 5 R 2 WBKP)1827
145Lincolnville SelectmenReport on the Petition of Gideon Young and others for reduction or correction of their State Valuation1843
146LivermoreResolve in relation to the Valuation of the Towns of Livermore and East Livermore1844
147Lowell State ValuationResolve in relation to the State Valuation1843
148Machias ValuationResolve fixing the valuation of the Towns of Machias and Machiasport and also authorizing the Treasurer of the State to refund and abate a portion of taxes to the said Towns of Machias and Machiasport1846
149Machiasport ValuationResolve fixing the valuation of the Towns of Machias and Machiasport and also authorizing the Treasurer of the State to refund and abate a portion of taxes to the said Towns of Machias and Machiasport1846
150Manchester ValuationResolve relating to the valuation of the Town of Kennebec1850

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