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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Name changed to Daniel Webster Andrews1836
2Resolve in favor of John Baker, Walter Powers, Nathaniel Bartlett, Augustine Webster, Isaac Yearington and1838
3An Act to regulate the taking of fish in, in the Town of Cape Elizabeth, and remonstrance of Ebenezer Webster and others1839
4Report on the Petition for an alteration in the Act incorporating the Sugar Island Side Boom Company, and remonstrance of Ebenezer Webster and others1839
5Report on the Petition of Nathaniel Webster for remuneration for money paid for land in Enfield1855
6Report on the Petition of William Bucknam and others that they may sell the meeting house in Webster and remonstrance of Thomas Jordan and others1855
7Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Webster Association of Fryeburg Academy1854
8Acts and ResolvesResolve in favor of the Town of Webster1846
9AdoptionsAn Act allowing Josiah Ladd of Livermore to change the name of his adopeted daughter from Eldora Webster to Eldora Ladd1861
10Aroostook River BoomResolves in favor of John H. Pillsbury and Ebenezer Webster1843
11Boody, Alvin and othersAn Act to incorporate the Webster Association of Fryeburg Academy1854
12BooksOrder that copies of the Revised Statutes, Worcester's Dictionary and Webster's Dictionary be made available for use of the Senate1862
13BoomsResolves in favor of John H. Pillsbury and Ebenezer Webster1843
14Boundary Lines, TownReport on the Petition of John Lombard and others for the alteration of the town lines of Greene, Wales and Webster and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Greene and others1848
15CarratunkReport on the Petition of Edward Webster and others that certain powers should be granted to the Assessors of Plantation One in the Third, Range East of the Kennebec River1842
16Crosman, S. P. and othersAn Act to set off a portion of land belonging to David Larrabee from Lisbon to Webster1863
17Dams Locks and SluicesAn Act to incorporate the Lake Telos and Webster Pond Dam and Sluiceway and the remonstrance of Eli Hoskins and others1846
18Dennett, Nathaniel and othersAn Act to make valid the doings of James Mann, Constable and Collector of the Town of Webster, for 1858 and 18591862
19DictionariesOrder that copies of the Revised Statutes, Worcester's Dictionary and Webster's Dictionary be made available for use of the Senate1862
20EnfieldReport on the Petition of Nathaniel Webster and others that land may be granted to the Town of Enfield to aid them in repair of the State Road and Bridges1845
21Fryeburg Academy, Webster AssociationAn Act to incorporate the Webster Association of Fryeburg Academy1854
22Garcelon, DanielReport on the Petition of Daniel Garcelon that certain land may be set off from Webster and annexed to Lisbon and the remonstrance of the Committee in behalf of Webster1841
23Garcelon, DanielAn Act to set off certain lands from the Town of Webster and annex the same to the Town of Lisbon1847
24Getchell, Willis to Willis WebsterAn Act to change the names of certain persons1853
25GreeneAn Act to set off a part of Greene, in the County of Kennebec and annex it to Lewiston, in the County of Lincoln and to set off a part of the Town of Webster and annex it to Lewiston (No Petition)1852

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