Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 426 to 450 of 663

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426BanksAn Act to incorporate the Ocean Bank1854
427BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Traders Bank1854
428BanksAn Act to incorporate the Bank of Somerset1854
429BanksAn Act additional to an Act to incorporate the American Bank1854
430BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Manufacturers and Traders Bank1854
431BanksReport on the Petition of Edward McLellan and others for the removal of the China Bank to Waterville1854
432BanksReport on the Petition of Arvida Hayford and others that they may be incorporated under the name of the President, Directors and Company of the Coasters Bank1854
433BanksAn Act to incorporate the Hallowell Savings Institution (No Petition)1854
434BanksAn Act to incorporate the Newcastle Bank1854
435BanksReport on the Petition of the President and Directors of the Lumbermans Bank for an increase of capital stock1854
436BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Casco Bank1854
437BanksReport on the Petition of Robert Treat and others for extension of time to pay in capital stock1854
438BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Canal Bank, Portland1854
439BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Rockland Bank1854
440BanksReport on the Petition of Moses Sweat and others for a bank at Parsonsfield1854
441BanksAn Act to incorporate the Portland Mutual Loan and Savings Association1854
442BanksReport on the Petition of Benjamin Manter and others for an Act of incorporation of a Bank at North Anson1854
443BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Waterville Bank1854
444BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Maritime Bank of Bangor1854
445BanksAn Act to incorporate the American Bank1854
446BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Lewiston Falls Bank1854
447BanksAn Act to incorporate the North Bank1854
448BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Lumberman's Bank1854
449BanksReport on the Petition of B. D. Metcalf and others for an increase of capital stock of the Marine Bank of Damariscotta1854
450BanksAn Act to incorporate the Grocers Bank1854

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