Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 526 to 550 of 663

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526BanksLegislative Orders - 18631863
527BanksAn Act to authorize the surrender of the charters of the existing banks in this state and to remit a portion of the bank tax1863
528BanksAn Act to reduce the Capital Stock of the Northern Bank, Hallowell1863
529BanksAn Act to increase the Capital Stock of the Mercantile Bank, Bangor1863
530BanksAn Act allowing further time to pay in the additional capital of the International Bank1863
531BanksReport on a bill regarding taxation of deposits in Savings Institutions1863
532BanksA bill to amend Chapter 47 of the Revised Statutes relating to banks1864
533BanksA bill for savings institutions to report to assessors of cities, towns and plantations, the names of persons who have $300 or more in accounts1864
534BanksAn Act additional to an Act entitled "An Act accepting the surrender of the Charter of the Atlantic Bank"1864
535BanksResolve in favor of the Sandy River Bank1864
536BanksAn Act to change the name of the Portland Five Cents Savings Institution to the Portland Five Cents Savings Bank1864
537BanksReport on a bill for an Act providing for the taxation of shares in National Banks1865
538BanksAn Act to increase the Capital Stock of the Lime Rock Bank1865
539BanksAn Act to increase the Capital Stock of the North Bank at Rockland1865
540BanksAn Act to increase the Capital Stock of the Searsport Bank1865
541BanksAn Act to amend an Act entitled An Act to authorize the surrender of Charters of existing banks in this State, & to remit a portion of the Bank Tax1865
542BanksAn Act to enable the banks of this state to become banking associations under the laws of the United States1865
543BanksAn Act to incorporate the Biddeford Savings Bank1865
544BanksReport on a petition of Eusebius Weston for a charter for a savings bank1865
545BanksAn Act to increase the Capital Stock of the Traders Bank in Bangor1865
546BanksAn Act to increase the Capital Stock of the City Bank of Biddeford1865
547Banks and BankingAn Act to regulate1830
548Banks and BankingAn Act to regulate1831
549Banks and BankingOrder relative to a bill to regulate1831
550Banks and BankingAn Act in addition to an Act to regulate1832

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