Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 476 to 500 of 663

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476BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Ocean Bank1855
477BanksAn Act to change the name of the Danville Bank1855
478BanksAn Act accepting the surrender of the Charter of the China Bank1855
479BanksAn Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Randall Savings and Benevolent Association1855
480BanksAn Act to incorporate the Oakland Bank1855
481BanksAn Act additional respecting banks1855
482BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Casco Bank1855
483BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Union Bank1855
484BanksAn Act to incorporate the Canton Bank (No Petition)1855
485BanksAn Act to incorporate the Fairfield Bank1855
486BanksAn Act to increase the stock of the Belfast Bank1855
487BanksAn Act to incorporate the People's Bank (No Petition)1855
488BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the State Bank1855
489BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Eastern Bank, Bangor1855
490BanksAn Act to incorporate the Calais Savings Bank1861
491BanksAn Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Merchant's Bank in Portland1861
492BanksResolve authorizing the Treasurer to adjust accounts with the Atlantic, Ellsworth and Hancock Banks1861
493BanksCommunications from the Secretary of State1861
494BanksAn Act to reduce the capital stock of the Traders Bank, Bangor1861
495BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the International Bank1861
496BanksAn Act additional to an Act accepting the surrender of the Charter of the Mariners Bank at Wiscasset1861
497BanksAn Act to incorporate the People's Savings Bank1861
498BanksAn Act amendatory to an Act incorporating the Lewiston Institution for Savings, passed March 20, 18561861
499BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the City Bank of Biddeford1861
500BanksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Mercantile Bank, Bangor1861

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