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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 201 to 225 of 713

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201Fairfield, John, GovernorAnnual message of the Governor, January 8, 18421842
202Fairfield, John, GovernorAnnual Message of the Governor, January 7, 18431843
203Fairfield, John, GovernorGovernor's Communications for the year 18431843
204Fairfield, John, GovernorGovernor's Letter of Resignation1843
205Fairfield, John, Governor ElectReport on the Order of the Committee on return of votes for Governor1843
206Farmington Gun HouseResolve authorizing the Governor to have erected1829
207Fessenden, William P.Resolve authorizing the Governor and Council to audit and pay the claims of the Honorable Reuel Williams, William P. Fessenden and Elijah L. Hamlin, Commissioners to purchase Massachusetts Lands (SS)1853
208Fort McClaryGovernor's Messages for the year 18461846
209Foster, Palinus M.Communication from Palinus M. Foster to Governor Dana relative to the sword taken by Lieutenant T. H. Crosby in the Mexican War1849
210Frankfort Petition SignersReport on the petition of Samuel Adams & others for a Constitutional Amendment regarding the Executive Council, House, Senate, Governor and Selectmen1862
211Franklin County Normal SchoolResolve in favor of the High School at New Sharon designated by the Governor as the Normal School for Franklin County1861
212French, WilliamReport for a Resolve authorizing the Governor to commission, to solemnize marriages among the Indians of the Penobscot Tribe1827
213Georgia ReportReport on the Governor's Message relative to the, on the tariff and Internal improvement1828
214Georgia ResolutionReport on the Governor's message of January 18th regarding the1827
215Gorham Petition SignersReport on the petition of Samuel Adams & others for a Constitutional Amendment regarding the Executive Council, House, Senate, Governor and Selectmen1862
216Gould, JamesGovernor's Messages for the year 18461846
217Gould, JamesGovernor's Message relative to a Resolve in favor of James Gould1847
218GovernorReport on the order to examine the return of votes for1828
219GovernorOrder appointing a Committee to wait on the1830
220GovernorSee Supreme Judicial Court Opinions 1830 GY 64-43
221GovernorSee Academy Trustees 1832 GY 74-22
222GovernorSee Smith, Samuel E. 1832 GY 74-31
223GovernorSee Legislative Committees 1832 GY 71-21
224GovernorResolves providing for amendments to the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature, the number of Representatives, and the term of office of the Governor and other State Officers1841
225GovernorReport on a Resolve providing for a Constitutional Amendment in relation to the meeting of the Legislature and the term of office of the Governor and other State Officers1844

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