Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 101 to 125 of 203

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101Legislative OrdersAn Order for the return of votes for Governor1864
102Legislative OrdersAn Order assigning committees to report on the Governor's Address1864
103Legislative OrdersAn Order for the pay of the Reporter to be $2001864
104Legislative OrdersAn Order to report on the Consitutional Candidates to fill the vacancy in the 12th Senatorial District1864
105Legislative OrdersAn Order related to printing of the Senate Journal1864
106Legislative OrdersAn Order that the Committee on Education ascertain the amount of all expenses incurred by the Superintendent of Common Schools1864
107Legislative OrdersLegislative Orders1864
108Legislative OrdersOrder to use the Rules and Orders of 1864 until futher ordered1865
109Legislative OrdersLegislative Orders1865
110Legislative OrdersOrder that Moses R. Ludwig to be excused from further attendence1865
111Legislative OrdersOrder that the flag to be lowered in honor of the late Hon. Edward Everett1865
112Legislative OrdersOrder that William W. Virgin is excused from further attendence1865
113Legislative OrdersOrder that 75 diagrams of the Senate Chamber be printed1865
114Legislative OrdersOrder that the Legislation from previous sessions be brought forward1865
115Legislative OrdersOrder that the Chaplains be allowed to use the State Library1865
116Legislative OrdersOrder on the vote and return of votes for United States Senator1865
117Legislative OrdersOrder that the Secretary of State to have printed certain Acts and to mail them to clerks of each city, town and plantation1865
118Legislative OrdersOrder that Joint Rules be amended in the sixth line1865
119Legislative OrdersOrder for the Joint Select Committee to report on Joint Rules of both houses1865
120Legislative OrdersOrder that the Secretary of State distribute 5 copies of the Revised Statutes and dictionaries for use of the Senate1865
121Legislative OrdersOrder regarding the Normal School at Farmington and the use of geological specimens1865
122Legislative OrdersOrder that the State Librarian procure a map of the State for the use of the Senate1865
123Legislative OrdersOrder for a committee to be appointed to report Rules and Orders1865
124Legislative OrdersOrder that 400 copies of the Senate Register be printed for use1865
125Legislative OrdersOrder on the number of copies of bills to be printed1865

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