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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 51 to 75 of 149

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51Public AssistanceSee Poor 1834 RS 46-66
52Public AssistanceSee Hodgdon 1834 GY 88-21
53Public AssistanceSee Scarboro 1835 GY 93-31
54Public AssistanceSee Poor 1835 GY 89-30
55Public AssistanceSee Paupers, Foreign 1835 GY 91-16
56Public AssistanceSee James, William 1835 GY 91-37
57Public AssistanceSee Paupers 1835 PL 113-45
58Public AssistanceSee Poor Debtors 1835 PL 120-154
59Public AssistanceSee Poor 1835 PL 112-27
60Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of Job Prince and others for aid to the widow of Isaac Leavitt, Jr. who died in the service of the State1841
61Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of Artemas Felt and others that they may be exonerated from the payment of expenses incurred by said Felt1842
62Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of Ephraim Holmes and others for a law for the relief of the insane poor1842
63Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of George Babb and others that the Plantation of Patricktown may be incorporated into a Town or such other Legislative action had thereon as shall require them to maintain their paupers1842
64Public AssistanceReport on an Act relating to the settlement of paupers1843
65Public AssistanceReport on an Act to promote agriculture and diminish pauperism1843
66Public AssistanceReport on an Act relating to the settlement of paupers in the town of Hebron1843
67Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of William Cobb Junior and others for the passage of a law explanatory of the Pauper Law in certain cases1844
68Public AssistanceAn Act making further provisions for the maintenance of Paupers in Houses of Correction1844
69Public AssistanceReport on the Order to inquire of the propriety of admitting Samuel McIntosh into the Insane Hospital at the charge of the State in whole or in part1844
70Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of Samuel F. Brown and others for the repeal of all laws which oblige one Town to pay another for the support of Paupers1844
71Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of Samuel Dore and others that the Legislature would grant him some pecuniary aid1845
72Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Frankfort and others that authority may be granted to contract for the support of their poor for a term not exceeding ten years1845
73Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of Aaron Ricker and others that they may be authorized to prosecute towns and other plantations for the support of paupers1845
74Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of Nathaniel Gould that provision be made by law for the support of Rebecah Gould, his wife, an insane person in the Maine Insane Hospital, at the expense of the State1845
75Public AssistanceAn Act making further provisions to contract for the keeping of the Poor in the several towns in the State1845

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