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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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101Public AssistanceAn Act for the support of certain insane persons at the Insane Hospital1852
102Public AssistanceReport on the Order relative to altering the 29th Section of Chapter 32 of the Revised Statutes1853
103Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of Jonathan Chase and others that provision be made whereby all insane persons may be supported at the expense of the State1853
104Public AssistanceReport on the Petition of the Passamaquoddy Indians for aid from the State to support a Priest1853
105Public AssistanceAn Act to authorize two or more towns to unite the purchase and management of a farm or alms house for the support of the poor1853
106Public AssistanceReport on an Order relative to the support of paupers in plantations1854
107Public AssistanceReport of the Joint Select Committee in regard to changing laws for support of paupers1854
108Public AssistanceAn Act to repeal Section 4 of Chapter 466 of the 1855 Special Laws dividing the Town of Belmont and incorporating the Town of Morrill1861
109Public AssistanceReport on a bill to aid Arletta A. Brown1861
110Public AssistanceReport on an Act additional for the relief of poor debtors1861
111Public AssistanceReport on a bill authorizing cities, towns, and plantations to raise money for the benefit of persons serving in the army1861
112Public AssistanceReport on a bill that money may be appropriated for the support of David Brown and his wife, both of Richmond1861
113Public AssistanceReport on a bill that money may be appropriated for the relief of Arletta A. Brown of Richmond, due to an injury1861
114Public AssistanceResolve in favor of Moses W. Burnham for expensesof sickness and funeral of a State Pauper1861
115Public AssistanceReport on a bill for remuneration for services and expenses in the care of Joseph Woods, pauper1861
116Public AssistanceReport on a bill for aid in the support of insane paupers1861
117Public AssistanceReport on a bill for the remuneration of the Town of Topsham for expenses in support and burial of a alien pauper1861
118Public AssistanceAn Act in relation to relief extended to families of Volunteers and making valid the doings of towns in certain cases1862
119Public AssistanceAn Act to incorporate Smith's Home For Aged And Indegent Mothers1862
120Public AssistanceReport on an Order requiring all Plantations having 500 inhabitants or more to support their poor1862
121Public AssistanceReport on a bill regarding aid given to Deborah Payne, of Belfast, by reason of her grandson having enlisted as a soldier1863
122Public AssistanceReport on a bill to amend Chapter 127 Laws of 1862 authorizing towns to extend aid to families of Volunteers who have been killed or disabled1863
123Public AssistanceAn Act to amend "An Act in aid of the Families of Volunteers" approved March 18, 18621863
124Public AssistanceResolve for the benefit of the Town of Jackson in aid of the families of volunteers1863
125Public AssistanceResolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers1863

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