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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 26 to 50 of 114

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26ElectionsReport on an Order relative to the election of sheriffs by the people1843
27ElectionsReport on an Order that Sheriffs and Registers of Probate may be elected by the people1850
28Ellsworth Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Rufus Clements and others for the abolition of Sheriff and for the appointment of several Sheriffs in each County and remonstrance of Amos Gubtill and others1844
29FeesReport on a bill to increase the fees of sheriffs and their deputies1865
30Fees, SheriffsReport on the Order relative to fees of sheriffs and their deputies1849
31Fees, Sheriffs and DeputiesReport on the Petition of James W. Joy for an alteration and increase of the fees of sheriffs and deputies1850
32Frankfort Petition SignersReport on a Resolve providing for a constitutional amendment in relation to the offices of sheriffs and judges and register of probate1843
33Franklin Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Rufus Clements and others for the abolition of Sheriff and for the appointment of several Sheriffs in each County and remonstrance of Amos Gubtill and others1844
34Gubtill, Amos and othersReport on the Petition of Rufus Clements and others for the abolition of Sheriff and for the appointment of several Sheriffs in each County and remonstrance of Amos Gubtill and others1844
35Johnson, OliverReport on the petition of, relative to electing Judges of Probate and Sheriffs1825
36Joy, James W.Report on the Petition of James W. Joy for an alteration and increase of the fees of sheriffs and deputies1850
37Justices of The PeaceReport on the order to comfirm the doings of, who were commissioned as Deputy Sheriffs and Coroners1826
38Justices of The Peace and SheriffsReport and Order that no one person can hold both offices at same time1821
39LimingtonReport on the Petition of James W. Joy for an alteration and increase of the fees of sheriffs and deputies1850
40Lowell, John K. and othersAn Act repealing an Act entitled an Act relating to sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables and coroners1852
41Mesne ProcessReport on the Order in relation to limiting the time within which suits shall be brought against Deputy Sheriffs and Receipters in certain cases1842
42Probate JudgesReport on a Resolve providing for a constitutional amendment in relation to the offices of sheriffs and judges and register of probate1843
43Probate RegisterReport on a Resolve providing for a constitutional amendment in relation to the offices of sheriffs and judges and register of probate1843
44Probate RegistersReport on an Order that Sheriffs and Registers of Probate may be elected by the people1850
45Probate, Registers ofReport on a Resolve providing for a Constitutional Amendment in relation to Sheriffs and Registers of Probate1842
46Public Documents DistributionAn Act prescribing the duties of the Secretary of State and the Sheriffs in1833
47Revised Statutes, Chapter 080An Act to amend Chapter 80 of the Revised Statutes relating to Sheriffs1862
48Revised Statutes, Chapter 080 Section 08An Act to amend Chapter 80 Section 8 of the Revised Statutes relating to Sheriffs1863
49Revised Statutes, Chapter 116 Section 5An Act explanatory of Section 5 of Chapter 116 of the Revised Statutes relating to Sheriffs1863
50SheriffsSee Justices of the Peace and Sheriffs 1821 GY 4-60

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