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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 76 to 100 of 114

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76SheriffsReport on a Resolve providing for a constitutional amendment in relation to the offices of sheriffs and judges and register of probate1843
77SheriffsReport on an Act concerning Sheriffs1843
78SheriffsAn Act to increase the duties of Sheriffs and their deputies1843
79SheriffsReport on the Petition of Rufus Clements and others for the abolition of Sheriff and for the appointment of several Sheriffs in each County and remonstrance of Amos Gubtill and others1844
80SheriffsReport on the Order relating to amending the 7th Section of Chapter 152 of the Revised Statutes1846
81SheriffsReport on the Petition of James Nichols for a law giving enlarged powers to the constables in certain towns in Washington County1847
82SheriffsResolve in favor of Asa Bailey1847
83SheriffsReport on the Petition of Samuel Harvey for redress on account of the default of Eleazer Packard as Sheriff of Aroostook County1847
84SheriffsReport on the Order relative to amending Chapter l52, Article l, Section 7 of the Revised Statutes1847
85SheriffsReport on an Order that Sheriffs and Registers of Probate may be elected by the people1850
86SheriffsAn Act to amend Chapter 104 of the Revised Statutes1852
87SheriffsAn Act repealing an Act entitled an Act relating to sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables and coroners1852
88SheriffsAn Act to amend the 38th Section of the 104th Chapter of the Revised Statutes1855
89SheriffsAn Act to amend Chapter 80 of the Revised Statutes relating to Sheriffs1862
90SheriffsAn Act explanatory of Section 5 of Chapter 116 of the Revised Statutes relating to Sheriffs1863
91SheriffsAn Act to amend Chapter 80 Section 8 of the Revised Statutes relating to Sheriffs1863
92SheriffsResolve in favor of the widow of Thomas Smith of Old Town1864
93SheriffsReport on a bill to increase the fees of sheriffs and their deputies1865
94Sheriffs AccountsReport regarding the Committee assigned to correct errors in, and Coroners Accounts1821
95Sheriffs and Clerks of CourtsReport on the Order relative to repealing an Act establishing the duties to be paid by certain officers1833
96Sheriffs and ConstablesAn Act defining the general powers of, and regulating the offices of1821
97Sheriffs and ConstablesSee Herrick, Jedediah 1824 GY 25-43
98Sheriffs AuctionSee Auction, Sale by 1827 GY 47-25
99Sheriffs BondsSee Bonds, Sheriffs and Coroners 1829 PL 59-81
100Sheriffs BondsAn Act relating to suits on Sheriffs and Coroners Bonds1842

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