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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 51 to 75 of 114

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51SheriffsSee Penobscot County Sheriff1823
52SheriffsAn Act for an additional Act giving duties and regulations of the Office of1824
53SheriffsSee Johnson, Oliver 1825 GY 36-9
54SheriffsSee Spring, Seth and others 1826 GY 42-12
55SheriffsSee Justices of the Peace 1826 GY 43-26
56SheriffsReport on the order to repeal the law making certain allowances of fees to1827
57SheriffsReport on the order for an Act further prescribing the duties of1827
58SheriffsReport on the bill additional respecting1829
59SheriffsAn additional Act respecting1829
60SheriffsReport on an Act repealing part of an Act establishing the duties to be paid by certain officers therein named1829
61SheriffsSee Berry, Rufus and others 1829 GY 55-32
62SheriffsAn additional Act respecting1830
63SheriffsAn Act additional to an Act defining the general powers and duties and regulating the office of, and Constables1830
64SheriffsSee County Treasurers 1830 GY 60-2
65SheriffsReport on the Order relative to an additional Act respecting1831
66SheriffsSee Tilton, Nathaniel 1831 GY 67-2
67SheriffsAn Act relative to the powers of, and their Deputies, Coroners and Constables1832
68SheriffsSee Public Documents Distribution 1833 PL 98-128
69SheriffsSee Officers Duties 1835 GY 91-31
70SheriffsReport on the Petition of Peter Moulton and others to have the Office of Sheriff abolished1841
71SheriffsReport on a Resolve providing for a Constitutional Amendment in relation to Sheriffs and Registers of Probate1842
72SheriffsReport on the Order in relation to limiting the time within which suits shall be brought against Deputy Sheriffs and Receipters in certain cases1842
73SheriffsReport on an Order relative to the election of sheriffs by the people1843
74SheriffsAn Act relating to Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Constables and Coroners1843
75SheriffsReport on an Act concerning Sheriffs, Constables and Coroners1843

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