Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 101 to 125 of 239

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101Maine State PrisonAn Act in relation to the affairs of the State Prison1853
102Maine State PrisonResolve in favor of the State Prison1853
103Maine State PrisonResolve in favor of certain persons of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1853
104Maine State PrisonResolve in favor of the State Prison1854
105Maine State PrisonResolve authorizing the sale of land connected with the State Prison1854
106Maine State PrisonAn Act to abolish the office of Chaplain in the State Prison1854
107Maine State PrisonResolve in favor of certain persons of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1854
108Maine State PrisonResolve authorizing the Governor and Council to settle the account of Adams Treat for services in superintending repairs of the State Prison1854
109Maine State PrisonReport on the Order relative to the Committee on the State Prison1854
110Maine State PrisonResolve in favor of John Fitzgerald and others1854
111Maine State PrisonAn Act to amend an Act in relation to the affairs of the State Prison, approved April 1, 18531855
112Maine State PrisonResolve in favor of certain persons of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1855
113Maine State PrisonResolve in favor of the State Prison1855
114Maine State Prison Annual ReportAnnual Report on the Warden of the State Prison1847
115Maine State Prison ChaplainReport on an Act repealing an Act providing for a permanent Chaplin at Maine State Prison1843
116Maine State Prison ChaplainReport on an Act providing for the appointment of a State Prison Chaplain1848
117Maine State Prison ConstructionResolve in favor of the State Prison1843
118Maine State Prison InspectorsResolve authorizing the Governor and Council to settle with the Inspectors of the State Prison for the year 18401842
119Maine State Prison RepairsResolve making an appropriation for the repairs of the State Prison1852
120Maine State Prison WardenResolve authorizing the Warden of the State Prison to sell certain property in the Town of Saint George1841
121Maine State Prison, Annual ReportsAnnual Reports of the Warden and Inspectors of the State Prison1846
122Maine State Prison, InspectorsReport of the Inspectors of the Maine State Prison1845
123Maine State Prison, InspectorsReports of the State Prison Inspectors1848
124Maine State Prison, Inspectors ReportsReports of the Inspectors of the State Prison1849
125Maine State Prison, RepairsResolves making an appropriation for the repairs of the State Prison1851

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