Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 151 to 175 of 239

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151Rider, Thomas J. and othersReport on the Petition of Thomas J. Rider and others requesting an investigation of certain charges against the Warden of the State Prison1847
152Roberts, SamuelResolve in favor of certain menbers of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1851
153Rose, DanielReport on a Resolve in favor of salary increase as Warden at the State Prison1827
154Rose, DanielResolve making an appropriation for the late Warden of the State Prison and for other purposes1829
155Saint GeorgeResolve authorizing the Warden of the State Prison to sell certain property in the Town of Saint George1841
156SalariesAn Act additional establishing the salary of the Clerk and Commissary of the State Prison1845
157SalariesAn Act to increase the salary of the Deputy Warden of State Prison1848
158Sentences, ConvictsReport on an Act concerning the State Prison1845
159Shurman, J. H. Resolve in favor of the Committee on the State Prison1861
160Starr, George A.Resolve in favor of certain persons of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1854
161State Paper No. 13, 1863Resolve in favor of the State Prison1863
162State PrisonAn Act to provide for the erection and Government of a1823
163State PrisonAn Act providing for the Government of the, and the punishment of convicts1824
164State PrisonOrder on the Governor's message regarding1824
165State PrisonResolve appropriating money for the support of the1824
166State PrisonResolve making an appropriation for the1825
167State PrisonOrder for printing three hundred copies of the accounts of the Warden of the1826
168State PrisonOrder to Secretary of the Senate for printing of five hundred copies of the affairs of the1826
169State PrisonAn Act additional to an Act providing for the Government of the, and for the punishment of convicts1826
170State PrisonResolve authorizing the Governor to appoint an Auditor to adjust the accounts of the1826
171State PrisonSee Rose, Daniel 1827 GY 46-19
172State PrisonResolve making an appropriation for the Warden and the1827
173State PrisonReport on the order for an appointment of an Auditor of Accounts of the1827
174State PrisonResolve respecting1827
175State PrisonSee Hills, Nathaniel and others 1828 GY 52-48

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