Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 176 to 200 of 239

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176State PrisonResolve respecting the1828
177State PrisonReport of the Committee to count votes for Commissioner to examine the affairs of the1829
178State PrisonOrder to furnish Senate with report of Jonathan Thayer and Timothy Pilsbury on the1829
179State PrisonOrder for notification to Commissioners to examine accounts of1829
180State PrisonSee Hills, Nathan and others 1829 GY 56-13
181State PrisonResolve in addition to a Resolve making appropriation for the late Warden of the, and for other purposes, passed March 3, 18291829
182State PrisonAn additional Act providing for the government of the, and for the punishment of convicts1830
183State PrisonResolve relative to the1830
184State PrisonSee Prison Discipline Society Report 1831 GY 68-28
185State PrisonAn additional Act relating to the1831
186State PrisonAn Act relative to the1832
187State PrisonSee Nickerson, Thomas 1834 GY 87-16
188State PrisonResolve respecting the1834
189State PrisonResolve relating to the1835
190State PrisonAn Act additional establishing the salary of the Clerk and Commissary of the State Prison1845
191State PrisonResolve relating to the State Prison1861
192State PrisonReport on an order to let out the management of the State Prison for a number of years1862
193State PrisonAn Act to amend Section 14 of Chapter 140 of the Revised Statutes relating to the service of process within the precincts of the State Prison1862
194State PrisonResolve authorizing the Governor and Council to settle with the bondsmen of Sumner and Maxcy1863
195State PrisonResolve in favor of the State Prison1863
196State PrisonAn Act to amend Chapter 16 of the Public Laws of 1858 entitled "An Act relating to the discipline of the State Prison"1864
197State PrisonAn Act additional to Chapter 140 of the Revised Statutes relating to the State Prison1865
198State PrisonResolve in favor of the State Prison1865
199State Prison AccountOrder for a statement of expenses incurred by the State relative to1833
200State Prison AccountsOrder for printing 300 copies of documents of, from 1823 to 18261829

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