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Results 21 to 40 of 171
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| Map Name | Repository |
21 | The District of Main from the latest Surveys, 1793 | Osher Map Library |
22 | Plan of Union surveyed by Ebenezer Jennison, dated 1794-5 | Massachusetts Archives |
23 | This Plan is an Accurate Survey of the Town of Warren, 1794 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
24 | Plan of Cushing surveyed by James Malcolm, dated April 16, 1795 | Massachusetts Archives |
25 | Plan of Medumcook Plantation (Friendship) surveyed by John Malcolm, dated December 28, 1795 | Massachusetts Archives |
26 | Plan of Deer Island (Isle au Haut), made by John Peters, Jr., dated May 21, 1795 | Massachusetts Archives |
27 | Plan of Warren surveyed by Rufus B Copeland, dated April 21, 1795 | Massachusetts Archives |
28 | Plan of Camden, surveyor's name not given, dated May 1795 | Massachusetts Archives |
29 | Plan of Thomaston surveyed by James Malcolm and Rufus B. Copeland, dated May 4, 1795 | Massachusetts Archives |
30 | A plan of the Town of Cambden in the County of Lincoln in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23) | Digital Maine |
31 | A Plan of Madumcook Plantation in the County of Lincoln, 28 December 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23) | Digital Maine |
32 | A plan of the Town of Cushing in the County of Lincoln, 11 April 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23) | Digital Maine |
33 | Survey of the Town of Warren, April 21, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23) | Digital Maine |
34 | A Plan of the Town of Union on St. Georges & Muscongus Rivers in the County of Lincoln, May 18, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23) | Digital Maine |
35 | An accurate Plan of Thomaston, Lincoln County, May 4, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23) | Digital Maine |
36 | An Accurate Plan of Thomaston, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
37 | This is a Plan of the Town of Union on St. Georges & Muscongus Rivers in the County of Lincoln, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
38 | A Plan of the Town of Cambden in the County of Lincoln in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1795. (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
39 | A Plan of the Town of Cushing in the County of Lincoln, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
40 | A Plan of Madumcook Plantation in the County of Lincoln, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
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