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Maine Historical Maps

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Results 21 to 40 of 171

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Map NameRepository
21The District of Main from the latest Surveys, 1793Osher Map Library
22Plan of Union surveyed by Ebenezer Jennison, dated 1794-5Massachusetts Archives
23This Plan is an Accurate Survey of the Town of Warren, 1794 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County)Digital Maine
24Plan of Cushing surveyed by James Malcolm, dated April 16, 1795Massachusetts Archives
25Plan of Medumcook Plantation (Friendship) surveyed by John Malcolm, dated December 28, 1795Massachusetts Archives
26Plan of Deer Island (Isle au Haut), made by John Peters, Jr., dated May 21, 1795Massachusetts Archives
27Plan of Warren surveyed by Rufus B Copeland, dated April 21, 1795Massachusetts Archives
28Plan of Camden, surveyor's name not given, dated May 1795Massachusetts Archives
29Plan of Thomaston surveyed by James Malcolm and Rufus B. Copeland, dated May 4, 1795Massachusetts Archives
30A plan of the Town of Cambden in the County of Lincoln in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23)Digital Maine
31A Plan of Madumcook Plantation in the County of Lincoln, 28 December 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23)Digital Maine
32A plan of the Town of Cushing in the County of Lincoln, 11 April 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23)Digital Maine
33Survey of the Town of Warren, April 21, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23)Digital Maine
34A Plan of the Town of Union on St. Georges & Muscongus Rivers in the County of Lincoln, May 18, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23)Digital Maine
35An accurate Plan of Thomaston, Lincoln County, May 4, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 23)Digital Maine
36An Accurate Plan of Thomaston, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County)Digital Maine
37This is a Plan of the Town of Union on St. Georges & Muscongus Rivers in the County of Lincoln, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County)Digital Maine
38A Plan of the Town of Cambden in the County of Lincoln in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1795. (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County)Digital Maine
39A Plan of the Town of Cushing in the County of Lincoln, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County)Digital Maine
40A Plan of Madumcook Plantation in the County of Lincoln, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County)Digital Maine

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