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Maine Historical Maps

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Results 61 to 80 of 171

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Map NameRepository
61A Map of the State of Maine from the Latest and Best Authorities. By Moses Greenleaf Esq, 1820Osher Map Library
62Map of the State of Maine, 1820Library of Congress
63Plan of Isle Au Haut and Sheep Island (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
64Map of the State of Maine with the Province of New Brunswick, Southern Section, 1828 (Moses Greenleaf Maps)Digital Maine
65Map Exhibiting the Principal Original Grants & Sales of Lands. 1829 (Moses Greenleaf Maps)Digital Maine
66Map of the Inhabited Part of the State of Maine, Exhibiting the Progress of its Settlement Since the Year 1778 ..., 1829 (Moses Greenleaf Maps)Digital Maine
67Map of the Inhabited Part of the State of Maine Exhibiting the progress of its settlement since 1778, The Representative Districts since 1820, and The population and valuation of Taxable property in each District at the year 1820. By Moses Greenleaf, 1829Osher Map Library
68Map of the State of Maine with the Province of New Brunswick by Moses GreenleafDavid Rumsey Map Collection
69Map exhibiting the principal original grants & sales of lands in the State of Maine, 1829David Rumsey Map Collection
70A New Map of Maine by H.S. TannerOsher Map Library
71This plan represents three lots of land marked A, B, & C on the Isle of Holt as surveyed by the subscriber out of a tract of land formerly contracted to George Kimball (Maine Land Office Plan Book 10)Digital Maine
72This plan represents three lots of land marked A, B, & C on the Isle of Holt as surveyed by the subscriber out of a tract of land formerly contracted to George Kimball (Maine Land Office Plan Book 10)Digital Maine
73This plan represents three lots of land marked A, B, and C on the Isle of Holt as surveyed by the subscriber out of a tract of land formerly contracted to George Kimball (Maine Land Office Plan Book 4)Digital Maine
74Maine (1836)David Rumsey Map Collection
75Map of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, 1839Library of Congress
76Map of Maine, 1843Maine Genealogy Archives
77A New Map of Maine, 1846Osher Map Library
78A New Map of Maine (1848)David Rumsey Map Collection
79Plan of the town of Warren, with the lots as originally laid out, Emily Eaton, delineator, 1851Osher Map Library
80Colton's railroad & township map of the State of Maine, 1852Library of Congress

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