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| Map Name | Repository |
41 | A Plan of the District of Maine drawn from several plans by Osgood Carleton., 1795 | Osher Map Library |
42 | A Plan of the Plantation Known by the Name of Barretstown in the County of Lincoln, taken from a late survey by James Malcom, 1797 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
43 | A Plan of Settler's Lots in Thomaston referred to the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of Massachusetts to determine on what terms the said Settlers shall be quieted in their Possessions, 1799 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
44 | A Plan of Settler's Lots in Thomaston and Cushing referred to the Commissioners ... to determine on what terms the said Settlers shall be quieted in their possessions, 1799 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
45 | Map of Maine, c. 1799-1805 | David Rumsey Map Collection |
46 | Plan of the township of Knox, Waldo County, 1802 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 24) | Digital Maine |
47 | This plan represents the Great Isle of Holt as survey'd and attested by Lothrop Lewis, Esq. ADomini 1802 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 7) | Digital Maine |
48 | Isle Au Haut, Knox County. Shows outline of Little Isle and Great Isle (Maine Land Office Plan Book 8) | Digital Maine |
49 | Grant to J. Drake in Union District, Resolve of June 17, 1809 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
50 | Plan of Appleton Ridge by James Malcom, 1813 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
51 | The District of Maine, 1814 | Osher Map Library |
52 | Map of the District of Maine, 1815 (Moses Greenleaf Maps) | Digital Maine |
53 | Plan of Seal Island Lying in the District of Maine, 1819 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11) | Digital Maine |
54 | Plan of Ragged Arse, Seal, and Wooden Ball Islands, 1819 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 6) | Digital Maine |
55 | A Plan of the Wooden Ball Island lying in the District of Maine it contains one hundred & seventeen acres & 3/4 of an acre being Surveyed by order of the Commissioners of the Land Office in the month of May A.D. 1819 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 8) | Digital Maine |
56 | A Plan of Ragged Arse Island lying in the District of Maine, it contains two hundred & seventy seven acres being surveyed by Order of the commissioners of the Land Office in the month of May A.D. 1819 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 8) | Digital Maine |
57 | A Plan of the Seal Island lying in the District of Maine it contains sixty five acres being Surveyed by Order of the Commissioners of the Land Office in the month of May A.D. 1819 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 8) | Digital Maine |
58 | A Plan of Ragged-arse Island Lying in the District of Maine, 1819 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
59 | A Plan of Wooden Ball Island lying in the District of Maine, 1819 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Knox County) | Digital Maine |
60 | Map of the State of Maine, 1820 (Moses Greenleaf Maps) | Digital Maine |
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