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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Communication of, Clerk of the Judicial Courts of Hancock County on the subject of capital offenses in said County1836
2Report of the Committee on and also a communication from Asa Redington, Jr. Treasurer-elect, regarding1836
3Communication from Secretary of State submitting the1836
4Communications and Reports relative to the1836
5Order appointing a Joint Committee to wait upon the Governor and inform him the Legislature is ready to receive any communication he may wish to make1836
6Report of, on a reconnaissance for a Railroad from Portland to Bangor and Communication from1837
7Communication of in relation to the Agricultural Societies of this State1837
8Communication from the Secretary of State, submitting the1837
9Communication from Asa Redington, Jr. relative to his acceptance to the office of, and Report on the Treasurer's Bond1837
10Communication from Reuel Williams relative to the construction of the1837
11Communication from the State Treasurer relative to the first installment of, allotted to Maine1837
12Communications relative to the Report of, on the Geology of Maine1837
13Order to inform the Governor that the two Houses are ready to receive any communication that he may wish to make1837
14Communication and Report of the State Treasurer relative to the repair of the1837
15Order that the Committee appointed to wait upon the Governor inform him the Legislature is ready for any communication he may wish to make1838
16Report and Communication regarding1838
17Report on the Petition in relation to a communication from, on the supposed controversy between him and the State1839
18Copy of a communication from Sir John Harvey, Lt. Governor of New Brunswick to Governor Fairfield on the1839
19Communication from the Governor relative to the resignation of, Militia Major General of the Eighth Division1839
20Confidential communication from the Governor in relation to trespass on the1839
21Communication from Secretary of State relative to printed documents on1839
22Communication from Secretary of State relative to printing abstracts1839
23Communication from Secretary of State transmitting a Report in Congress on the subject of the1839
24Order appointing a Committee to inform him that the two Houses are ready to receive any communication he may wish to make1839
25Transmitting a communication from Daniel Brent of the U. S. Consul at Paris relative to deeds of conveyance in foreign countries touching property in this State: also Resolution from the State of Missouri relative to Public Lands1840

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