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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 151 to 175 of 523

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151Executive CouncilorsReport on the communication of the Letters of Acceptance for various offices1864
152Fairfield, John, GovernorGovernor's Communications for the year 18421842
153Fairfield, John, GovernorGovernor's Communications for the year 18431843
154Farwell, JosephReport on the communication of the Letters of Acceptance for various offices1864
155Farwell, JosephCommunication of letters of acceptance of election of certain officers1865
156February 22Report on the communication of the Joint Special Committee on Celebrating the 22nd of February1862
157Federal Relations, Committee onCommunication on the final report of the Committee on Federal Relations1862
158FerriesCommunication from the Penobscot County Commissioners relative to a Charter for a Steam or Horse Power Ferry from Bangor to Brewer1846
159Fessenden, William P.Communication of letters of acceptance of election of certain officers1865
160Fish InspectionReport on a Communication from the Secretary of State respecting Inspectors of Fish in the several Counties1846
161Fish InspectorsCommunication from Secretary of State relative to Returns of Inspectors of Fish and also a list of delinquencies1841
162Fish InspectorsCommunication from Secretary of State relative to transmitting names of Fish Inspectors1853
163Fish WardensCommunication of Benjamin Shaw, Fish Warden, relative to Penobscot River Fisheries1848
164Fisheries, Committee onCommunication of the final report on the Committee on Fisheries1862
165Fisheries, Committee onCommunication regarding the final report of the Committee on Fisheries1863
166Fisheries, Penobscot RiverCommunication of Benjamin Shaw, Fish Warden, relative to Penobscot River Fisheries1848
167Flint, EphraimCommunication of letters of acceptance of election of certain officers1865
168Flint, Ephraim J.Report on the communication of the Letters of Acceptance for various offices1864
169Flint, Ephraim, Jr.Communication of letters of acceptance of election of certain officers1865
170Foreign SoldiersResolve relating to the communication of William H. Seward, U.S. Secretary of State, referring to the passage of British troops through Maine1862
171Foster, Palinus M.Communication from Palinus M. Foster to Governor Dana relative to the sword taken by Lieutenant T. H. Crosby in the Mexican War1849
172French, Ezra B.Communications of the Secretary of State1847
173French, Ezra B.Communication from the Secretary of State1848
174French, Ezra B., Secretary of StateCommunications from the Secretary of State1849
175Frontier and Coast Defence, Committee onCommunication regarding the final report of the Committee on Frontier and Coast Defence1863

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