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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Order relative to, and Deputy Sheriffs leaving abstracts of costs with persons on whom they serve writs or executions1836
2Orders left on the table at the close of the session relative to Bowdoin College, reducing the Sheriffs fees and respecting Banks1837
3Amherst Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Rufus Clements and others for the abolition of Sheriff and for the appointment of several Sheriffs in each County and remonstrance of Amos Gubtill and others1844
4AuctioneersReport on an Order relative to empowering deputy sheriffs to act as auctioneers1843
5Barrett, Joseph and othersReport on a bill to increase the fees of sheriffs and their deputies1865
6Berry, Rufus and othersReport on the petition for an alteration of the Act in relation to the compensation of constables and sheriffs1829
7Bond, Deputy SheriffsReport on the Order of exonerating the estate of a surety upon a, for defaults occurring after the decease of the surety and notice thereof to the Sheriff1832
8Bonds, Sheriffs and CoronersAn Act additional to an Act providing that, shall be given to the Treasurer of this State, and giving remedies thereon1829
9Chapter 080 Section 8, Revised StatutesAn Act to amend Chapter 80 Section 8 of the Revised Statutes relating to Sheriffs1863
10Chapter 080, Revised StatutesAn Act to amend Chapter 80 of the Revised Statutes relating to Sheriffs1862
11Chapter 116 Section 5, Revised StatutesAn Act explanatory of Section 5 of Chapter 116 of the Revised Statutes relating to Sheriffs1863
12Clements, Rufus and othersReport on the Petition of Rufus Clements and others for the abolition of Sheriff and for the appointment of several Sheriffs in each County and remonstrance of Amos Gubtill and others1844
13Conflict of InterestSee Justices of the Peace and Sheriffs 1821 GY 4-60
14ConstablesReport on an Act concerning Sheriffs, Constables and Coroners1843
15ConstablesAn Act relating to Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Constables and Coroners1843
16ConstablesAn Act repealing an Act entitled an Act relating to sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables and coroners1852
17Constitutional AmendmentReport on a Resolve providing for a Constitutional Amendment in relation to Sheriffs and Registers of Probate1842
18Constitutional AmendmentReport on a Resolve providing for a constitutional amendment in relation to the offices of sheriffs and judges and register of probate1843
19CoronersReport on an Act concerning Sheriffs, Constables and Coroners1843
20CoronersAn Act relating to Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Constables and Coroners1843
21CoronersAn Act repealing an Act entitled an Act relating to sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables and coroners1852
22Coroners BondsSee Bonds, Sheriffs and Coroners 1829 PL 59-81
23Coroners BondsAn Act relating to suits on Sheriffs and Coroners Bonds1842
24County TreasurersReturns of sheriffs fees and, made pursuant to the Act of March 5, 18291830
25DeputiesReport on a bill to increase the fees of sheriffs and their deputies1865

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