Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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26AugustaReport on a Resolve for the removal of the seat of government from Augusta to Portland1842
27AugustaReport on the Petition of Hervey Lowell and others that certain land in Hallowell may be annexed to Augusta1843
28AugustaReport on a Resolve in favor of Southwood and E. B. Sibley1844
29AugustaReport on the Petition of Paine Wingate and others that certain lands in Hallowell and Augusta may be annexed to Winthrop1844
30AugustaAn Act to extend the authority of the Kennebec Log Driving Company1845
31AugustaAn Act authorizing the location of a town road over tide waters in Augusta and remonstrance of Charles Hamlen and others1845
32AugustaAn Act to incorporate the Maine Mammoth Fire Insurance Company1845
33AugustaAn Act authorizing the Town of Augusta to raise and assess a tax for certain purposes1845
34AugustaReport on the Petition of Henry Green and others for remuneration for services rendered in the Aroostook Expedition1846
35AugustaReport on the Petition of William M. Stratton for a divorce from his wife Mary Caroline Stratton1847
36AugustaResolutions passed at a meeting of the Citizens of Newry and Paris and vicinity in relation to the Petition of Abner Coburn and others praying for a Skowhegan to Augusta Railroad1847
37AugustaReport on an Act providing for the removal of the seat of Government from Augusta to Portland1847
38AugustaReport on the Petition of Jonathan Sturgis that a divorce from Mary Sturgis his wife, may be granted1848
39AugustaAn Act to incorporate the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company (No Petition)1848
40AugustaReport of the Committee on State Printing and Binding1848
41AugustaReport on the Petition of Mrs. H. B. Dillingham and other widows of Augusta, for alteration of the law affecting the rights of married women1848
42AugustaReport on an Act for the removal of the seat of Government1848
43AugustaAn Act to incorporate the Maine Flax and Hemp Company1849
44AugustaAn Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Maine Mammoth Mutual Fire Insurance Company1849
45AugustaAn Act to incorporate the City of Augusta1849
46AugustaResolve making valid the doings of the First Universalist Society in Augusta1849
47AugustaAn Act defining the powers of Justices of the Peace in the City of Augusta in certain cases1850
48AugustaAn Act to incorporate the Kennebec Telegraph Company1850
49AugustaReport on the Petition of S. Lancaster and others for an Act amending the Charter of Augusta1850
50AugustaAn Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Augusta1850

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