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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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176BarracksReport on an Order to provide wooden barracks for troops in Augusta1862
177Barrows, Greenleaf and othersReport on the Petition of Greenleaf Barrows and others that power may be granted them to build a bridge across the Kennebec River at Augusta1853
178Bath Petition SignersA bill for the improvement of navigation of the Kennebec River at the Augusta Dam1864
179Beck, Charles H. and othersAn Act for the incorporation of the Augusta and Boston Steam Transportation Company1845
180Bessey, Augusta AnnReport on the Petition of Augusta Ann Bessey of Augusta for a divorce from Thomas Bessey1853
181Bessey, ThomasReport on the Petition of Augusta Ann Bessey of Augusta for a divorce from Thomas Bessey1853
182Bittues, Arno A.An Act authorizing the erection of a wharf in tide waters in the City of Augusta1855
183BlanketsResolve in favor of distributing blankets to the soldiers now encamped at Augusta1862
184Boston, Mass.An Act for the incorporation of the Augusta and Boston Steam Transportation Company1845
185Brick, Clara Augusta from Clara WadleighAn Act to change the names of certain persons1846
186Caldwell, I., Jr., and othersAn Act authorizing the City of Augusta to exempt certain property from taxation1863
187Castine BankResolve appointing a Committee to investigate the doings of the Hallowell and Augusta Bank, Wiscasset Bank and the1820
188Chandler, M. A. and othersAn Act additional to an Act to establish the Augusta Free Bridge1845
189ChaplainsReport of the Committee to notify Clergymen of the Towns of Augusta and Hallowell1832
190ChaplainsReport extending an invitation to the Reverend Drew of Augusta to officiate as Chaplain in the Senate1833
191Child, G. C. and othersAn Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Augusta1850
192China Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Greenleaf Barrows and others that power may be granted them to build a bridge across the Kennebec River at Augusta1853
193ChurchesResolve making valid the doings of the First Universalist Society in Augusta1849
194Civil WarResolve in favor of distributing blankets to the soldiers now encamped at Augusta1862
195Civil WarReport on an Order to provide wooden barracks for troops in Augusta1862
196Civil WarA bill that compensation be granted Mrs. Charles R. Hutchins of Augusta for expenses of her late husband while in service of the state1864
197Coburn, Abner and othersResolutions passed at a meeting of the Citizens of Newry and Paris and vicinity in relation to the Petition of Abner Coburn and others praying for a Skowhegan to Augusta Railroad1847
198Cook, DanielPetition of, to remove obstructions in the Kennebec River between Augusta and Waterville for safe passage and to expedite use of1821
199Cushing, Loring and othersAn Act to incorporate the Augusta Free Ferry1841
200Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act additional respecting the Augusta Water Power Company1848

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