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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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51Barrell, Charles and othersAn Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cumberland County to locate a highway across Fore River, in said County and remonstrance of Clement Jordan and others1854
52Barstow, Lot and othersReport on the Petition of Lot Barstow and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County be authorized to lay out a road over tide waters1846
53Belfast BridgeAn Act authorizing the County Commissioners of Waldo Company to lay out a highway over the tide water in Belfast and the Inhabitants of the town of Belfast to build a bridge over the same and remonstrance of James Poor and others1835
54Bibber, Albert F. and othersReport on the petition of Joseph Sturdevant & others for the Cumberland County Commissioners to lay a new road & build a bridge near Martin's Point ..1862
55Bills of CostsReport on a bill to enlarge powers of County Commissioners in auditing bills of costs in criminal cases1865
56Blagden, David S. and othersAn Act authorizing the Selectmen of Wiscasset or County Commissioners of the County of Lincoln to lay out a road over tide waters1852
57Blake, Moses and othersReport on the Petition of the South Bay Meadow Dam Company for an Act authorizing the County Commissioners of the County of Hancock to lay out a road across said dam and remonstrance of Moses Blake and others1849
58Blue Hill Petition SignersReport on the Petition of the South Bay Meadow Dam Company for an Act authorizing the County Commissioners of the County of Hancock to lay out a road across said dam and remonstrance of Moses Blake and others1849
59BoardAn Act allowing the County Commissioners of Lincoln County to regulate the compensation for board of persons in jail in that county1862
60Bowdoin Petition SignersAn Act to change the places of holding the District Court and Court of County Commissioners in the County of Lincoln and remonstrance of Nathaniel Dennett and others1847
61Bowdoinham Petition SignersAn Act to change the places of holding the District Court and Court of County Commissioners in the County of Lincoln and remonstrance of Nathaniel Dennett and others1847
62Bradford, Isaiah and othersReport on the Petition of Isaiah Bradford and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a bridge acroos Friendship River and remonstrance of Thomas C. Kelleran and others1846
63BrewerCommunication from the Penobscot County Commissioners relative to a Charter for a Steam or Horse Power Ferry from Bangor to Brewer1846
64BrooksvilleReport on the Petition of Simeon Allen and others for an Act authorizing the County Commissioners of Hancock County to lay out a road across tide waters at Davis Narrows, so called and remonstrance of Benjamin Walker and others1852
65Brooksville Petition SignersReport on the Petition of the South Bay Meadow Dam Company for an Act authorizing the County Commissioners of the County of Hancock to lay out a road across said dam and remonstrance of Moses Blake and others1849
66Brown, J. V. and othersReport on the Petition of J. V. Brown and others for an alteration of the law relative to the powers and duties of County Commissioners1854
67Cape Elizabeth Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Edward Fox and others that the County Commissioners of Cumberland County have power to alter the Portland Bridge1853
68Cape Elizabeth Petition SignersAn Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cumberland County to locate a highway across Fore River, in said County and remonstrance of Clement Jordan and others1854
69Cargill, Charles and othersAn Act to authorize the County Commissioners of the County of Lincoln to lay out a road over tide waters and remonstrance of the Proprietors of Sheepscot Bridge1849
70Carver's Mill StreamReport on the Petition of Thaddeus Roberts and others that the Waldo County Commissioners be empowered to lay out a road over the tide waters of Carver`s Mill Stream in Vinalhaven and the remonstrance of a Committee of Vinalhaven1842
71Cary, Charles and othersAn Act authorizing the County Commissioners of Washington County to lay out and establish in East Machias a county road over tide waters1865
72Chapter 008, 1861 Public LawsAn Act to repeal Chapter 8 of the Public Laws of 1861 relating to the salary of the County Commissioners of Cumberland County1862
73Chapter 018 Section 033, Revised StatuesA bill to amend Chapter 18 Section 33 Revised Statutes to provide some mode by which taxes authorized & assessed by County Commissioners be collected1864
74Chapter 078, Revised StatutesAn Act to amend Chapter 78 of the Revised Statutes relating to Courts of County Commissioners1862
75ChestervilleReport on the Petitions of the Inhabitants of Chesterville that the pay of the County Commissioners may be fixed at a sum not exceeding two dollars per day1841

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