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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 151 to 175 of 538

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151County Commissioners Court, Somerset CountyAn Act establishing an additional term of the Court of County Commissioners for Somerset County1852
152County Commissioners Court, Somerset CountyAn Act to change one of the terms of the Court of County Commissioners in Somerset County1853
153County Commissioners Court, Washington CountyAn Act altering and increasing the stated terms of the Court of County Commissioners for the County of Washington1853
154County Commissioners Court, Washington CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the April term of the Court of County Commissioners for the County of Washington1854
155County Commissioners CourtsAn Act giving remedies on Judgements rendered by, and prescribing the mode of levying executions against Towns and Plantations1833
156County Commissioners CourtsReport on the Petition of Watson H. Vinal and others of Vinalhaven and North Haven for short sessions of the Legislature and to abolish the County Commissioners Courts1853
157County Commissioners Courts, Aroostook CountyAn Act to fix the time of holding the Courts of County Commissioners of the County of Aroostook (SS)1842
158County Commissioners Courts, Hancock CountyAn Act in relation to the Courts of County Commissioners for the County of Hancock1852
159County Commissioners DutiesReport on the Petition of H. G. Russ and others that an alteration may be made in the law defining the duties of County Commissioners1845
160County Commissioners DutiesReport on the Petition of J. V. Brown and others for an alteration of the law relative to the powers and duties of County Commissioners1854
161County Commissioners ElectionsAn Act allowing soldiers absent from the State to vote for Electors of President and Vice President, Representatives to Congress ….1864
162County Commissioners FeesReport on the Order relative to reducing the fees of County Commissioners to two dollars a day1845
163County Commissioners JurisdictionReport on a bill for repeal of an Act relative to the jurisdiction of County Commissioners, approved 18471865
164County Commissioners NoticeAn Act to legalize a Commissioner's Notice relating to certain territory at the mouth of the Kennebec River1862
165County Commissioners SalariesReport on the Petitions of the Inhabitants of Chesterville that the pay of the County Commissioners may be fixed at a sum not exceeding two dollars per day1841
166County Commissioners SalariesReport on the Order in relation to the pay of County Commissioners1842
167County Commissioners SalariesReport on an Act to increase the pay of County Commissioners1852
168County Commissioners, Appeal from Decisions ofAn Act to amend Section 36 of Chapter 18 Revised Statutes relating to appeals from decisions of County Commissioners1862
169County Commissioners, Appeal from Decisions ofAn Act allowing an appeal from the decision of the County Commissioners in certain cases1862
170County Commissioners, AppealsAn Act granting appeals from County Commissioners1847
171County Commissioners, AppealsReport on an Act in addition to an Act granting appeals from the County Commissioners, passed August 2, 18471852
172County Commissioners, AppealsReport on the Order in relation to repealing an Act of August 2, 1847 entitled an Act granting appeals from County Commissioners1852
173County Commissioners, AppealsAn Act to amend an Act granting appeals from the decisions of County Commissioners (SS)1853
174County Commissioners, Aroostook CountyResolve in favor of the Proprietors of the Deerfield Academy Grant in the County of Aroostook1841
175County Commissioners, Cumberland CountyAn Act giving power to the, to lay out a road over Cousin's River, and the remonstrance of Selectmen of North Yarmouth1832

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