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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 126 to 150 of 285

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126Hallowell BankAn Act authorizing the President, Directors and Company of the Central Bank of Hallowell to reduce the Capital Stock of said Bank1841
127Hallowell BankAn Act to incorporate the Hallowell Bank1848
128Hallowell BankAn Act to incorporate the Bank of Hallowell1852
129Hallowell BankAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Bank of Hallowell1853
130Hallowell BankReport on the Petition of Rufus Page and others that the Bank of Hallowell may increase their capital stock1853
131Hallowell BankAn Act to incorporate the American Bank1854
132Hallowell BankAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Northern Bank1854
133Hallowell ClergymenOrders relating to Chaplains of the present session1862
134Hallowell ClergymenOrder that the clergymen of Augusta, Hallowell and Gardiner officiate as Chaplains1863
135Hallowell ClergymenOrder that Clergymen of Augusta, Hallowell and Gardiner to officiate as Chaplains1865
136Hallowell Cotton Manufacturing CompanyAn Act to incorporate the Hallowell Cotton Manufacturing Company1845
137Hallowell EnginemenSee Enginemen, Hallowell 1831 PS 73-71
138Hallowell Ferry CompanyAn Act to establish the1830
139Hallowell Ferry CompanyAn Act in addition to an Act incorporating the1835
140Hallowell Ferry CompanyAn Act to re-establish the Hallowell Ferry Company1845
141Hallowell First Baptist SocietyAn Act to authorize the First Baptist Society in Hallowell to alter the arrangement of the pews in their meetinghouse1847
142Hallowell Freewill Baptist SocietyAn Act to authorize the Freewill Baptist Society in Hallowell to sell their meetinghouse1853
143Hallowell Gas Light CompanyAn Act to incorporate the Hallowell Gas Light Company1854
144Hallowell Granite CompanyAn Act to incorporate the1833
145Hallowell Gun HouseResolve for the removal of a1833
146Hallowell Harmonic SocietyAn Act to incorporate the1834
147Hallowell Horse FerrySee Grant, Peter and others 1834 GY 84-9
148Hallowell Horse FerryReport on the Petition of Hannibal Longfellow for additional provisions and restrictions of the Hallowell Horse Ferry1843
149Hallowell Horse Ferry CompanyAn Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the1833
150Hallowell Horse Ferry CompanyAn Act to authorize a free ferry between Hallowell and Chelsea (No Petition)1853

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