Search Results
Results 226 to 250 of 364
Subject | Description | Year | |
226 | Public Lands | Report on the Order relative to timber and hay on Reserved Lots | 1844 |
227 | Public Lands | Report on the Petition of Isaac Lewis concerning a Resolve to promote the sale and settlement of the Public Lands | 1844 |
228 | Public Lands | An Act additional to an Act entitled an Act in relation to the Public Lands | 1845 |
229 | Public Lands | Report on the Petition of John Phillips and others that certain Islands may be preserved | 1845 |
230 | Public Lands | Resolve relating to the Public Lands | 1845 |
231 | Public Lands | Report on the Petition of Edward Webster and others that County Treasurers be authorized to sell a part or all the lots of land in unincorporated townships reserved for public uses and appropriate the proceeds to the schools in said townships | 1845 |
232 | Public Lands | Resolve in favor of Ashur Martin and others | 1845 |
233 | Public Lands | Report on an Order to sell timber and grass on reserved lots for schools | 1846 |
234 | Public Lands | An Act to in relation to the public lots in unincorporated townships | 1846 |
235 | Public Lands | Report on the Order relative to Assessors and Clerks of Plantations selling timber on reserved lots | 1846 |
236 | Public Lands | Resolve limiting the sale of timber on the Public Lands | 1846 |
237 | Public Lands | Report on the Petition of Thomas Harlow and others relative to location of the Public Lots in Township 9, Range 3 NBPP | 1847 |
238 | Public Lands | Resolve in relation to the settlement of stumpage of ton-timber cut on the public lands upon the Aroostook and Saint John waters under permits granted in the year 1845 | 1847 |
239 | Public Lands | An Act in relation to lands reserved for public uses | 1848 |
240 | Public Lands | Report on an Act to amend the 122nd Chapter of the Revised Statutes | 1848 |
241 | Public Lands | Resolve in favor of Waite Plantation | 1848 |
242 | Public Lands | Resolve in favor of certain settlers upon the Public Lands | 1849 |
243 | Public Lands | Resolve in favor of Waite Plantation | 1849 |
244 | Public Lands | Resolve in favor of Joseph Johnson | 1849 |
245 | Public Lands | Report on the Petition of John L. Gray and others that one million acres of the Public Land of this State be appropriated for a Primary School Fund | 1849 |
246 | Public Lands | An Act additional to an Act in relation to land reserved for public uses, approved July 11, 1848 | 1849 |
247 | Public Lands | An Act to promote the sale and settlement of the public domain | 1849 |
248 | Public Lands | Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Dedham that the State would grant the Inhabitants of said Town, a lot of land | 1849 |
249 | Public Lands | An Act additional to an Act entitled an Act additional to an Act in relation to the Public Lands | 1850 |
250 | Public Lands | An Act additional to Chapter 123 of the Revised Statutes | 1850 |
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