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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 51 to 75 of 364

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51HartfordPetition for sale of public land1822
52HartlandPetition for sale of public land1823
53HiramReport on the petition of the Selectmen for a grant of Public Land1827
54HoultonCommunication from the Land Agent relative to maintaining the Civil Posse on the Public Lands and locating and constructing roads North of Houlton1842
55JayReport on the petition to sell public land in1825
56Land AgentReport on a Resolve authorizing the, to sell certain tracts of Public Lands1833
57Land AgentResolve authorizing the, to settle certain claims for public land1835
58Land AgentReport of the Committee on State Lands on Acts relating to timber sold by the State and an Act additional to promote the sale and settlement of the public lands1841
59Land AgentCommunication from the Land Agent relative to maintaining the Civil Posse on the Public Lands and locating and constructing roads North of Houlton1842
60Land AgentResolve in relation to trespass committed on the Public Lands1843
61Land AgentReport on the Order relative to directing the Land Agent to sell two townships of Public Lands and distributing the proceeds of the same for the public schools1850
62Land OfficeReport on Orders relative to an Act to authorize assessors of plantations to sell the Public Lots in said plantations; also the Resolve to sell the Public Land in this State and abolish the Land Office1853
63LebanonPetition and Remonstrance for sale of public land1824
64Lewis, IsaacReport on the Petition of Isaac Lewis concerning a Resolve to promote the sale and settlement of the Public Lands1844
65Logs, Masts and SparsReport on the Petition of Ira Wadleigh and others that permits to cut timber on the Public Lands may be sold at auction1842
66Logs, Masts and SparsAn Act in relation to the sale of timber on the Public Lands1843
67Logs, Masts and SparsResolve in relation to the public lands1843
68Logs, Masts and SparsReport on the Order relative to repealing all or part of an Act in relation to the sale of timber on the Public Lands passed March 24, 18431844
69Logs, Masts and SparsResolve limiting the sale of timber on the Public Lands1846
70Logs, Masts and SparsResolve in relation to the settlement of stumpage of ton-timber cut on the public lands upon the Aroostook and Saint John waters under permits granted in the year 18451847
71LumberResolve in relation to the public lands1843
72Lumber SaleA bill to pay $1000 to Trustees of China Academy from sales of timber and lumber from Public Lands1864
73MadisonPetition regarding sale of public lands in1822
74Massachusetts, Commonwealth ofReport and papers relative to the Governor's Message on the Public Lands of Maine and Massachusetts1853
75Massachusetts, Commonwealth ofCommunication from the Land Agent to the Governor relative to the purchase of Public Lands from Massachusetts1853

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