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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 26 to 50 of 364

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26CarthageSale of public lands1824
27ChestervillePetition of Oliver Sewall for sale of public land in1822
28China AcademyA bill to pay $1000 to Trustees of China Academy from sales of timber and lumber from Public Lands1864
29Civil PosseCommunication from the Land Agent relative to maintaining the Civil Posse on the Public Lands and locating and constructing roads North of Houlton1842
30Civil WarResolve extending the terms of the laws for the settlement of the public lands to volunteers1862
31Civil WarResolve to amend the Resolve extending the terms of the laws for the settlement of the public lands to volunteers, approved January 21, 18621863
32ConcordPetition for sale of public land1824
33Connecticut ResolutionsReport on the Connecticut Resolutions in relation to the public lands1843
34CorinnaPetition for sale of public land1824
35CorinthPetition for sale of public land1824
36Debt, PublicResolve setting apart the proceeds of the Public Lands as a fund for the payment of public debt1850
37DixmontReport on the petition to sell the public land in1825
38Dudley, John and othersReport on the Petition that the Public Lands may be located in unincorporated places1842
39Fairbanks, Dennis and othersReport on the Order of Dennis Fairbanks and others relative to settlement on the public lands in Aroostook County1841
40FoxcroftPetition for sale of public land1823
41FreemanPetition regarding sale of public land1823
42GarlandPetition for sale of public land1825
43Goddard, JohnResolve in regard to trespassers on the public lands1863
44Governor's Message, Public LandsSee Public Lands 1826 GY 45-8
45Governor's Message, Public LandsSee Public Lands 1830 GY 64-1
46Governor's Message, Public LandsCommunication dated January 19, 1831 relative to sale and settlement of Public Lands and Resolutions of various States1831
47Governor's Message, Public LandsReport on an Order appointing a Committee to consider so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the proceeds of the sales of the public lands1843
48Gray, John L. and othersReport on the Petition of John L. Gray and others that one million acres of the Public Land of this State be appropriated for a Primary School Fund1849
49HarmonyPetition to sell public lands1822
50HarmonyPetition for sale of public land1823

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