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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1An Act prohibiting, and holding Courts to try civil cases on the fourth day of July or the day of State Elections, Trainings or Review1836
2Report on the Order relative to having the third Section of the Law regulating Elections read to Electors at the annual meetings of Cities, Towns and Plantations1836
3Report on the Order relative to a Resolve relating to an alteration of the, as applies to Elections1838
4Relative to elections1838
5Assistant Messenger, Vote ReturnReport of the Committee on Elections1846
6BallotsAn Act to prevent fraud at elections and to promote the purity of the ballot1861
7Biddeford Petition SignersReport on a Resolve for a Constitutional Amendment relative to the time of holding the annual sessions of the Legislature and annual elections1843
8Blanchard, Ira and othersReport on the petition that a law may be passed making all toll bridges free for soldiers on days of training and elections1830
9Boyd, Edward A. and othersReport on the Petition of Edward A. Boyd and others for a law making it the duty of Selectmen of Towns to use check lists at all elections of Town Officers1853
10BradleyReport of the Committee on Elections on the Representatives from Brewer and Bradley and the Report of the Minority Committee on Elections in the case of the remonstrance of John Hilferty to the right of Jonathan Burr to a seat in the House of Representati1842
11BrewerReport of the Committee on Elections on the Representatives from Brewer and Bradley and the Report of the Minority Committee on Elections in the case of the remonstrance of John Hilferty to the right of Jonathan Burr to a seat in the House of Representati1842
12Burr, JonathanReport of the Committee on Elections on the Representatives from Brewer and Bradley and the Report of the Minority Committee on Elections in the case of the remonstrance of John Hilferty to the right of Jonathan Burr to a seat in the House of Representati1842
13Chaplain, Return of VotesReports of the Committees on Elections1847
14Chaplain, Vote ReturnReport of the Committee on Elections1846
15Chapter 004, Revised StatutesAn Act to amend Chapter 4 of the Revised Statutes in relation to elections1863
16Chapter 004, Revised StatutesAn Act to amend Chatper 4 of the Revised Statutes relating to elections1863
17Chapter 004, Revised StatutesAn Act additional to Chapter 4 of the Revised Statutes concerning elections1864
18City ClerksAn Act in relation to elections of wardens and clerks in cities1863
19City ElectionsAn Act further defining the power of Mayors of Cities in the election of City Officers1855
20City ElectionsAn Act in relation to elections in cities1861
21Constitutional AmendmentReport on the Petition of the Inhabitants of Georgetown for a, as to times of annual elections and meeting of the Legislature1833
22Constitutional AmendmentReport on a Resolve for a Constitutional Amendment relative to the time of holding the annual sessions of the Legislature and annual elections1843
23Contested ElectionsReport on the Order concerning an Act in relation to contested elections1849
24County and Town OfficersOrder and petition regarding elections of1821
25County Commissioners ElectionsAn Act allowing soldiers absent from the State to vote for Electors of President and Vice President, Representatives to Congress ….1864

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