Search Results
Results 26 to 50 of 208
Subject | Description | Year | |
26 | Civil War | Report on the Resolve relating to the National Administration and the conduct of the war | 1862 |
27 | Civil War | An Act to authorize a loan of money to the United States for the public defense, to be reimbursed in bonds of the United States | 1862 |
28 | Civil War | Report on an Act to provide for the payment of pensions | 1862 |
29 | Civil War | An Act in relation to relief extended to families of Volunteers and making valid the doings of towns in certain cases | 1862 |
30 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of Timby's Iron Revolving Fortification | 1862 |
31 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of distributing blankets to the soldiers now encamped at Augusta | 1862 |
32 | Civil War | Report on a bill to amend Chapter 99 Section 2 and Chapter 118 Section 22 of the Revised Statutes regarding the enlistment of minors | 1862 |
33 | Civil War | Report on the petition of Captain F.M. Drew and others that compensation may be made for recruiting services | 1862 |
34 | Civil War | Resolve authorizing the Treasurer of State to exchange $30,000 with the Banks for the payment of Maine volunteers | 1862 |
35 | Civil War | Report on an order to consider the purchase of "Spencer Repeating Rifles" | 1862 |
36 | Civil War | Report on an order to grant pensions to widows and minor children of deceased soldiers | 1862 |
37 | Civil War | Report on the petition of Charles A. Warren and others that compensation may be made for recruiting services | 1862 |
38 | Civil War | Resolve to encourage allotments by volunteers | 1862 |
39 | Civil War | Resolves relating to recent National Victories | 1862 |
40 | Civil War | Resolve providing for pay of certain Officers and Soldiers of Maine Volunteers | 1862 |
41 | Civil War | Report on the petition of Officers of the 15th Maine Infantry that they may be furnished with revolvers as other Maine Regiments have | 1862 |
42 | Civil War | Report on an Order to protect parents against enlistment of their minor sons | 1862 |
43 | Civil War | An Act authorizing the taking of land for forts and other purposes | 1862 |
44 | Civil War | Report on an resolve on national affairs and the preservation of constitutional government | 1862 |
45 | Civil War | Report on a bill to amend the Constitution as to oblige Quakers and Shakers to do military duty | 1862 |
46 | Civil War | Resolve providing for the payment of certain claims against the United States for recruiting soldiers in this state | 1862 |
47 | Civil War | An Act amending the Act relating to suits against volunteers | 1862 |
48 | Civil War | An Act to make valid the doings of Towns providing for the payment of a bounty to volunteer soldiers & to authorize assessment of taxes to pay them | 1862 |
49 | Civil War | Report on an Order to provide wooden barracks for troops in Augusta | 1862 |
50 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of Charles A. Lombard for a lost coupon for the War Loan of 1861 | 1862 |
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