Search Results
Results 51 to 75 of 208
Subject | Description | Year | |
51 | Civil War | An Act authorizing the taking of land for forts and other purposes | 1862 |
52 | Civil War | An Act regulating the receipts and disbursment of fund of the Maine Volunteers | 1862 |
53 | Civil War | Report on an Order to extend the provisions of Chapter 63 Section 6 of the 1861 Public Laws to all who have or may enlist in the service of the U.S. | 1862 |
54 | Civil War | Report on an order inquiring of any further legislation necessary to pay for subsistance of soldiers | 1862 |
55 | Civil War | An Act amending the Act relating to suits against volunteers | 1862 |
56 | Civil War | Communication of the Governor's Address regarding the military | 1862 |
57 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of Arthur Burden for nursing and care of Frances M. Skillin, William F. Skillin, George H. Buck and Emerson W. Hoffses … | 1862 |
58 | Civil War | Resolve authorizing the Treasurer of State to exchange $30,000 with the Banks for the payment of Maine volunteers | 1862 |
59 | Civil War | An Act to authorize a loan of money to the United States for the public defense, to be reimbursed in bonds of the United States | 1862 |
60 | Civil War | An Act to authorize the Council to appoint one or more Commissioners in each Regiment of Maine Volunteers to take acknowledgments of deeds, etc. | 1862 |
61 | Civil War | Resolve relating to recent national victories | 1862 |
62 | Civil War | Report on an Order to protect parents against enlistment of their minor sons | 1862 |
63 | Civil War | Report on the petition of W.S. Pennell and others that compensation may be made for recruiting services | 1862 |
64 | Civil War | Resolve in reference to our victories in the west | 1862 |
65 | Civil War | Report on an Order to provide wooden barracks for troops in Augusta | 1862 |
66 | Civil War | Communication of the Adjutant General regarding the military and arms of the State | 1862 |
67 | Civil War | An Act in relation to suits in court against persons enlisted as volunteers in the service of the United States or in this State | 1862 |
68 | Civil War | An Act authorizing the expenditure of moneys for war purposes | 1862 |
69 | Civil War | An Act authorizing the United States to hold certain territory at the mouth of the Kennebec River | 1862 |
70 | Civil War | An Act to enroll the Militia of the State of Maine | 1862 |
71 | Civil War | Report on the petition of Military Officers that compensation may be made for recruiting services | 1862 |
72 | Civil War | Resolve for the payment of the Medical Board | 1862 |
73 | Civil War | Resolve authorizing the State Treasurer to exchange $15,000 with Major J.W.T. Gardner to pay such sums as may be due to officers or soldiers | 1862 |
74 | Civil War | Report on the petition of Captain Edward S. Morris and others that compensation may be made for recruiting services | 1862 |
75 | Civil War | Resolve relating to auditing pension claims | 1862 |
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