Search Results
Results 76 to 100 of 208
Subject | Description | Year | |
76 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of Charles Griffin | 1862 |
77 | Civil War | Resolve extending the terms of the laws for the settlement of the public lands to volunteers | 1862 |
78 | Civil War | Resolve authorizing the State Treasurer to exchange $15,000 with Major J.W.T. Gardner to pay such sums as may be due to officers or soldiers | 1862 |
79 | Civil War | Resolve relating to auditing pension claims | 1862 |
80 | Civil War | Report on an resolve on national affairs and the preservation of constitutional government | 1862 |
81 | Civil War | An Act authorizing the expenditure of money for war purposes | 1863 |
82 | Civil War | Report on a bill to amend Chapter 127 Laws of 1862 authorizing towns to extend aid to families of Volunteers who have been killed or disabled | 1863 |
83 | Civil War | An Act additional to an Act authorizing the taking of land for forts and other purposes, passed March 13, 1862 | 1863 |
84 | Civil War | Report on a bill advancing, on account of the National Government, allotments made by Soldiers for the benefit of their families | 1863 |
85 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of George W. Tukey and Frederick O. Chick for military services | 1863 |
86 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of the Town of Abbot for state aid to the family of Luther Labree | 1863 |
87 | Civil War | Resolve in regard to the armament of the forts of the United States lying within the State of Maine | 1863 |
88 | Civil War | Resolve for the benefit of the Town of Jackson in aid of the families of volunteers | 1863 |
89 | Civil War | Communication of the Adjutant General regarding the non-commissioning of officers of the ununiformed militia | 1863 |
90 | Civil War | Resolve to sustain the National Government | 1863 |
91 | Civil War | Report on a bill that George B. Knight and Simeon Walton receive additional pay for military service | 1863 |
92 | Civil War | An Act to amend an Act in aid of families of volunteers, approved March 18, 1862 | 1863 |
93 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers | 1863 |
94 | Civil War | Report on a bill regarding limiting cities and towns on furnishing State Aid to families of Volunteers | 1863 |
95 | Civil War | An Act to amend "An Act in aid of the Families of Volunteers" approved March 18, 1862 | 1863 |
96 | Civil War | An Act to make valid the doings of cities, towns and plantations in raising bounties and for other purposes | 1863 |
97 | Civil War | Communication of the Executive Department regarding the non-commissioning of officers of the Maine Militia | 1863 |
98 | Civil War | Report on a bill regarding the state assuming the bounty paid by Towns to Volunteers the past summer | 1863 |
99 | Civil War | Report on the petition of the Selectmen of Orono that an Act additional to an Act to aid the families of volunteers may be passed | 1863 |
100 | Civil War | Report on a bill that bounties to Volunteers may be legalized | 1863 |
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