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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 151 to 175 of 208

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151Civil WarAn Act to provide means for the defence of the Northeastern Frontier1864
152Civil WarResolve in favor of Cynthia R. Carpenter of Mount Chase Plantation for State Aid1864
153Civil WarAn Act to pay bounties to volunteers, drafted men and their substitutes who shall be audited in the quotas of Maine1864
154Civil WarAn Act authorizing the expenditure of money for war purposes1864
155Civil WarA bill that compensation be granted Mrs. Charles R. Hutchins of Augusta for expenses of her late husband while in service of the state1864
156Civil WarA bill for reimbursement for blankets furnished the nine months soldiers1864
157Civil WarResolve in relation to the establishment of a United States General Hospital1864
158Civil WarResolve inviting the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to cooperate with Maine in extending aid to a Military Road from Bangor to the Saint John River1864
159Civil WarAn Act explanatory of and amending "An Act to provide means for the defence of the Northeastern Frontier"1864
160Civil WarResolve in favor of the minor children of Mrs. Mary Hale1864
161Civil WarA bill to aid the family of Edward P. Verrill, a Maine Volunteer1864
162Civil WarA bill to establish a Soldier's Home at Portland1864
163Civil WarResolve to enable the State to meet any further calls for troops1864
164Civil WarA bill that Orono may be reimbursed for aid furnished families of volunteers in 18611864
165Civil WarResolve in favor of the Town of Lowell for aid furnished to soldiers families in Plantation 1 N.D., Penobscot County1864
166Civil WarResolve relating to the inadequate facilities for travel and transportation of troops between New York and Washington1864
167Civil WarA bill relating to bounties to draft men and volunteers into the U.S. Navy1864
168Civil WarA bill that an allowance be made to the Town of Whitefield for State Aid for Charles Place and be reimbursed for money paid the City of Hallowell1864
169Civil WarResolve in favor of Isabella Fogg1864
170Civil WarResolve relating to the President and Vice President of the United States1864
171Civil WarAn Act to provide support for the families of soldiers1864
172Civil WarAn Act additional to Chapter 107 of the Revised Statutes relating to the taking of depositions1864
173Civil WarResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers1864
174Civil WarResolve asking the United States Government to provide proper defences for the Northeastern Frontier1864
175Civil WarResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey a lot of land to Hiram Keays1864

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