Search Results
Results 126 to 150 of 208
Subject | Description | Year | |
126 | Civil War | Resolve in relation to the National Cemetery at Gettysburg | 1864 |
127 | Civil War | Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey a lot of land to George L. Emerson | 1864 |
128 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of Westbrook Seminary | 1864 |
129 | Civil War | A bill to aid the family of Edward P. Verrill, a Maine Volunteer | 1864 |
130 | Civil War | A bill for reimbursement for blankets furnished the nine months soldiers | 1864 |
131 | Civil War | A bill to give the inhabitants of the Town of Gray money for State Aid | 1864 |
132 | Civil War | Resolve providing for the amendment of the Constitution to allow soldiers absent from the State to vote for Governor, Senators, Representatives… | 1864 |
133 | Civil War | A bill for State Aid for Helen H. Everett | 1864 |
134 | Civil War | Resolve inviting the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to cooperate with Maine in extending aid to a Military Road from Bangor to the Saint John River | 1864 |
135 | Civil War | An Act explanatory of and amending "An Act to provide means for the defence of the Northeastern Frontier" | 1864 |
136 | Civil War | Resolve for the Land Agent to convey a lot of land to Sarah Young | 1864 |
137 | Civil War | A bill relating to bounties to draft men and volunteers into the U.S. Navy | 1864 |
138 | Civil War | A bill that Orono may be reimbursed for aid furnished families of volunteers in 1861 | 1864 |
139 | Civil War | An Act amending "An Act providing bounties for soldiers" | 1864 |
140 | Civil War | A bill that compensation may be allowed to Frederick D. Sewall for military services as Colonel of the 19th Maine Regiment at Bath | 1864 |
141 | Civil War | Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers | 1864 |
142 | Civil War | Report that the communication of Abner Wade for State Aid be referred to the Governor and Council | 1864 |
143 | Civil War | A bill to pay drafted men, their substitutes and those who have paid commutation money, the sum of $300 | 1864 |
144 | Civil War | An Act to legalize the doings of cities, towns and plantations in raising bounties to be paid to volunteers, drafted men and their substitutes | 1864 |
145 | Civil War | A bill that State Aid may be allowed Joann Dean and Eliza Johnson of Eastport | 1864 |
146 | Civil War | Resolve relating to the inadequate facilities for travel and transportation of troops between New York and Washington | 1864 |
147 | Civil War | An Act providing bounties for soldiers | 1864 |
148 | Civil War | Resolve relating to the State assuming liabilities of cities, towns and plantations in paying bounties | 1864 |
149 | Civil War | Resolve in relation to the establishment of a United States General Hospital | 1864 |
150 | Civil War | Legislative Orders | 1864 |
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