Search Results
Results 1 to 25 of 208
Subject | Description | Year | |
1 | Civil War | Report on the Committee of Conference regarding disagreeing vote on the Ten Regiment Bill | 1861 |
2 | Civil War | An Act Additional to Chapter 10 of the Revised Statutes relating to the militia | 1861 |
3 | Civil War | Report on an Act to suppress opposition to the Government and Laws of the State and of the Unites States | 1861 |
4 | Civil War | An Act to authorize the Governor to accept the services of females as nurses in the army | 1861 |
5 | Civil War | Report on the petition of John W. Fairfield and others for the State to build one steam Sloop of War | 1861 |
6 | Civil War | Report on an Act relating to the pay of soldiers | 1861 |
7 | Civil War | Resolve regarding Maine's loyalty to the Union | 1861 |
8 | Civil War | An Act to authorize the raising of ten regiments to aid the President ... in enforcing the laws and maintaining the government thereof …. | 1861 |
9 | Civil War | An Act to provide for the defense of the coast and commerce of Maine | 1861 |
10 | Civil War | An Act amendatory of Chapter 10 of the Revised Statutes Relating to the militia | 1861 |
11 | Civil War | Joint Resolution of Texas relative to Coercion | 1861 |
12 | Civil War | Report on a bill to increase the pay for soldiers of the state | 1861 |
13 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of Elizabeth Brown and assistants for washing floors and bedding at the Military Hospital | 1862 |
14 | Civil War | Report on an order inquiring of any further legislation necessary to pay for subsistance of soldiers | 1862 |
15 | Civil War | Report on the petition of David Rood and others for aid for building and mounting a centrifugal gun | 1862 |
16 | Civil War | Resolve relating to National Affairs | 1862 |
17 | Civil War | Resolve relating to recent national victories | 1862 |
18 | Civil War | An Act to repeal Chapter 63 Section 6 of the Revised Statutes regarding paupers and military service | 1862 |
19 | Civil War | An Act in aid of the families of volunteers | 1862 |
20 | Civil War | Report on an order to grant pensions to widows and minor children of deceased soldiers | 1862 |
21 | Civil War | Report on the petition of Charles A. Warren and others that compensation may be made for recruiting services | 1862 |
22 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of Timby's Iron Revolving Fortification | 1862 |
23 | Civil War | Order to appoint a Joint Standing Committee on "Frontier and Coast Defenses" | 1862 |
24 | Civil War | Resolve commendatory to the President of the United States | 1862 |
25 | Civil War | Resolve in favor of Arthur Burden for nursing and care of Frances M. Skillin, William F. Skillin, George H. Buck and Emerson W. Hoffses … | 1862 |
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